
Polycrystal annealing singlecrystal
Polycrystal annealing singlecrystal

polycrystal annealing singlecrystal

In the polycrystal, annealing at 500 ☌ resulted in movement of Cd throughout the CIS layer. At 400 ☌ even for the shortest time studied, Cu and In were found throughout the region initially consisting of CdS only and Cd was found to have moved into the CIS. No atomic movement was observed by secondary ion mass spectrometry at temperatures of 300 ☌ and below. This article reports the results of annealing heterojunctions between CdS deposited by chemical bath deposition and single crystal and polycrystalline CIS films between 200 and 500 ☌ for 10 to 150 min. N2 - The stability of the CdS/CuInSe2 (CIS) heterojunction is critical to understanding the projected lifetime of CIS devices and the effect of processing conditions on the nanoscale chemistry of the heterojunction. Mauro Sardela of the Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois is also acknowledged. Mueller at the University of Illinois, whose help is gratefully acknowledged. The CIS films used in this study were grown by D. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Air Force Research Laboratory contract FA9453-08-C-0172, Space Vehicles Directorate, Kirtland AFB and was carried out in part in the Center for Microanalysis of Materials at the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois. T1 - Chemical reactions at CdS heterojunctions with CuInSe2 The onset of diffusion is consistent with the onset of Cu diffusion in CIS.", Diffusion turns on rapidly between 300 and 400 ☌, indicating a high activation energy for atomic movement (∼2.4 eV). No time dependence was observed in the 400 and 500 ☌ anneals indicating that a reaction had occurred forming a compound that was in thermodynamic equilibrium with the remaining CIS.

polycrystal annealing singlecrystal

The onset of diffusion is consistent with the onset of Cu diffusion in CIS.Ībstract = "The stability of the CdS/CuInSe2 (CIS) heterojunction is critical to understanding the projected lifetime of CIS devices and the effect of processing conditions on the nanoscale chemistry of the heterojunction. The stability of the CdS/CuInSe 2 (CIS) heterojunction is critical to understanding the projected lifetime of CIS devices and the effect of processing conditions on the nanoscale chemistry of the heterojunction.

Polycrystal annealing singlecrystal